<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/11.png">
<!--Andrew is giving a thumbs up to Sumudu. Sumudu is seems to be thinking of something really hard. Indoor scene.-->
Andrew: That's correct! Have a closer look to identify what makes them clickbaits.
''(text-colour:yellow)[1. "Did you have fish in the last 2 weeks? Then your life might be in danger!"]'' -- fearmongering, provocation, controversial phrasing can be identified.
''(text-colour:yellow)[2. "OUR LIVES ARE OVER! GOVERNMENT SHOULD PAY!" -- Fishermen plans for a harthal in the wake of fish poisoning!"]''-- Emotional triggers, sensational language, pushing the blame, speculated content can be identified.
''(text-colour:yellow)[3. "Who poisoned the sea? This Exclusive recording may blow your mind!"]'' -- Sensational content, shocking claims, provocative phrasing, unverified claims can be identified.
[[> What is Sensationalizing?]]
[[> Continue->> Learning Milestone 2D]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/35.png">
//Sounds like you got this one confused. Why don't we go and try this again?
Remember, we are looking for the clickbait titles. If you want to review what they look like, [[recall what Andrew told about them earlier->> What is a Clickbait?]].//
[[> Try again->> Let's look at some sample clickbait titles]]<img src = "https://afishytale.com/images/chapter3/14.png">
Mr. Perera: Good job! According to the Verite Research's Media Ownership Monitor, there are 10 media outlets owned by the government. They represent TV, Radio, Newspappers, and also Websites.
The Government also owns some Media Companies and Groups such as the //''Lake House, Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC), Independant Television Network (ITN)''//, etc.
<a href='https://sri-lanka.mom-gmr.org/' target='_blank'>> Learn More at Verite Research's Media Ownership Monitor</a><img src = "https://afishytale.com/images/chapter3/1.png">
Mr. Perera: Oh you are close. But not quite. You should check out the Verite Research's media Ownership Monitor. That have this information there.
<a href='https://sri-lanka.mom-gmr.org/' target='_blank'>> Check out the Verite Research's Media Ownership Monitor</a>
[[> Try again->> Continue to learn about media ownership]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/35.png">
//Sounds like you got this one confused. Why don't we go and try this again?
Remember, we are looking for the clickbait titles. If you want to review what they look like, [[recall what Andrew told about them earlier->> What is a Clickbait?]].//
[[> Try again->> Let's look at some sample clickbait titles]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/35.png">
//Sounds like you got this one confused. Why don't we go and try this again?
Remember, we are looking for the clickbait titles. If you want to review what they look like, [[recall what Andrew told about them earlier->> What is a Clickbait?]].//
[[> Try again->> Let's look at some sample clickbait titles]]<img src = "https://afishytale.com/images/chapter3/1.png">
Mr. Perera: Oh you are close. But not quite. You should check out the Verite Research's media Ownership Monitor. That have this information there.
<a href='https://sri-lanka.mom-gmr.org/' target='_blank'>> Check out the Verite Research's Media Ownership Monitor</a>
[[> Try again->> Continue to learn about media ownership]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/14.png">
Ms. Janaki: Are you sure about that. Think harder. None of these social media posts and newspaper articles had any verified information or evidence to support their claims. If they have credible sources to support the claims they make, that should be properly mentioned and acknowledged.
[[> Go back and try again->Accu2]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a9.png">
Does the message and social media post about the incident are intent to persuade or mislead the people?
[[> Yes->> Pur1]]
[[> No->> Pur2]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/3.png">
//We might feel that way...
In order to be the first to report a certain incident and get the attention of the masses, many news outlets tend to focus more on publishing information before verifying whether it’s true or not. But that doesn't make it correct or ethical. //
[[> Let's try that again ->> It should be presenting facts with integrity and fairness]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/14.png">
Ms. Janaki: Are you sure about that. Think harder. Can you make a clear sense of what is really happening with the information shared by these social media posts and news articles?
[[> Go back and try again->> RelYes]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a7.png">
Do you think the message and social media post about the incident are credible sources?
[[> Yes->Accu1]]
[[> No->Accu2]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a0.png">
//For this exercise, let's use one of the social media articles that have been shared around in Bilal's chat groups with the above image.//
The messege:
(bg:yellow)[(text-colour:black)[//''DANGER! DO NOT EAT FISH!!''
According to reliable claims, it has been found out that the fish in our local coastal areas are poisoned! This is a deadly condition and eating fish will put your life in critical condition as there is no known cure! This was revealed to me through a reliable source, so this is 100% true.
DO NOT EAT ANY FRESH FISH! DO NO GO FISHING!! It will put everyone's life in danger!
''Share this with everyone you know and save their lives!!''//]]
[[> Begin exercise->Currency]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a0.png">
//For this exercise, let's use one of the social media articles that have been shared around in Bilal's chat groups with the above image.//
The messege:
(bg:yellow)[(text-colour:black)[//''DANGER! DO NOT EAT FISH!!''
According to reliable claims, it has been found out that the fish in our local coastal areas are poisoned! This is a deadly condition and eating fish will put your life in critical condition as there is no known cure! This was revealed to me through a reliable source, so this is 100% true.
DO NOT EAT ANY FRESH FISH! DO NO GO FISHING!! It will put everyone's life in danger!
''Share this with everyone you know and save their lives!!''//]]
[[> Begin exercise->> Who]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/5.png">
Ms. Janaki: Well, the first thing is recognizing if this whole story is actually true or not. Bilal, do you know what (text-colour:red)[''misinformation''] and (text-colour:red)[''disinformation''] is?
[[> Yes, I know what misinformation and disinformation is!]]
[[> No, what is that?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/31.png">
Ms. Janaki: You can submit a formal request for information to the public authority under consideration either through the application form provided or as a formal letter. This can be submitted in either physical or digital means. And the information officers under the institute should facilitate and hand over this information to you as soon as possible. Of course, there are exceptions and different variations of how this process can unfold. But the important thing to remember is that it is as simple as that!
The principal: Yes, and it’s unfortunate that not many people know how easy this process is and don't use it. If more people knew about this and actually used this as a regular practice, it could have been a huge push towards maintaining the transparency of our public institutions.
<a href='http://www.rticommission.lk/' target='_blank'>> Learn more about the RTI Act</a>
[[> Perhaps we can submit a RTI request to this newspaper and see how they got this information!]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/9.png">
The principal: Well, I was going to meet our teacher in charge of Media Studies, Ms. Janaki. She is the best person to ask these things.
//Bilal remembers Ms. Janaki. She is well known for her kindness and knowledge of how media works. She also used to be a student in journalism and worked at a leading national news outlet before becoming a teacher.//
The principal: Would you like to join us? We are going to meet at my office during the lunch break.
[[> Yes, I want to join and learn more]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/21.png">
Ms. Janaki: CRAAP stands for (text-colour:red)[//Currency, Relevance, Authority, Accuracy//], and (text-colour:red)[//Purpose//]. This is mainly used to assess the reliability of information.
There are a couple of questions we can ask ourselves to evaluate each dimension of CRAAP. Using that, anyone can conduct this test.
These are the questions:
0. //(text-colour:yellow)[Currency]: //Is the information up to date?
0. //(text-colour:yellow)[Relevance]: //Does it address the topic effectively?
0. //(text-colour:yellow)[Authority]:// Is the source credible?
0. //(text-colour:yellow)[Accuracy]:// Is the information supported by evidence?
0. //(text-colour:yellow)[Purpose]:// Is there an intention to inform, persuade, or mislead?
We can use this test on the fish poisoning articles we have seen in the newspapers and social media to see if they are reliable enough to be taken seriously or not.
[[> Apply the CRAAP Test to the dying fish related news->> Begin exercise 1]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/1.png">
Mr. Perera: When media outlets are preasurized and influenced on their content, that could also lead to(text-colour:red)[//'' censorship and self-censorship''//] of information. This again creates a gap of information that may impact on the general public's right to informed decision making.
Parami: I know that censorship means the redaction of information to control public access to that information. But I never realized it has such a deep impact on society and their critical thinking...
Parami: Also, what is the exact difference between //'' censorship and self-censorship''//?
[[> I want to know more about "censorship"]]
[[> I want to know more about "self-censorship"]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a19.png">
<!--A focused image of Andrew asking a question. Indoor.-->
Andrew: Talking about media ethics, do you know what we call (text-colour:red)[Sensationalizing and Click-baiting]?
Sumudu: I have heard a little bit about both actually... But can you explain more please?
[[> What is Sensationalizing?]]
[[> What is a Clickbait?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/35.png">
//That doesn't sound quite right. Our focus here is on principals of ethical media, but the points reflected here are more relevant to entertainment and audience building. //
[[> Let's try that again ->> Media Ethics]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/5.png">
The principal: Amazing! I had not heard about this before. Now I can use this thinking when I see suspicious and concerning information...
Ms. Janaki: That is exactly what we need to practice! Checking such suspicious and concerning information on different media platforms and identifying whether they are true or not is a whole process. Do you know what it is called, Bilal?
[[> I am not sure...->> Fact Checking!]]
[[> Fact Checking!]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/18.png">
<!--An image showcasing a new milestone badge. The badge needs to be a customized one that reflects the learning milestones; "Foundation for Ethical Media & News Reporting!''-->
''Great job!''
You unlocked some important learning goals:
* International and national definitions of media ethics
* The core values of journalism—(text-colour:yellow)[//truth, independence, fairness, and accountability//]
[[> Collect the "Foundation for Ethical Media & News Reporting!" badge and continue->> Clickbait and sensationalism]]<img src = "https://afishytale.com/images/chapter3/2.png">
Mr. Perera: Parami, do you know how many media outlets are owned by the Sri Lankan Government?
Parami: Oh... Let me think.
[[> 6]]
[[> 10]]
[[> 12]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/6.png">
The principal: I have also heard about some websites sharing news verifications. They do research on certain claims and information that are potentially false and rapidly being circulated. They have professionals who are good at research and fact checking so they can quickly do background checks of such information and provide clarifications to the public.
Ms. Janaki: Yes, that is so true. There are some very reliable fact checking platforms we can use to verify these incidents. //(text-colour:yellow)[Fact Crescendo, AP Fact Check and Hashtag Generation Fact Check]// can be some good examples for these. I am sure if we check in some of these web platforms, we might actually be able to find some reports about this poisoned fish scare too.
<a href='https://english.factcrescendo.com/' target='_blank'>> Check out Fact Crescendo</a>
<a href='https://apnews.com/ap-fact-check' target='_blank'>> Check out AP Fact Check</a>
<a href='https://hashtaggeneration.org/fact-check/' target='_blank'>> Check out Hashtag Generation Fact Check</a>
[[> Continue with a fact check]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/35.png">
//Bilal sees his father and mother outside. He finds it is strange because his Father usually doesn’t close the shop until evening.. //
Bilal's father: Ah Bilal... You are home already. Look, nobody wants to buy fish because of this. I had no option other than close the shop and come home...
//He shows Bilal the videos and news messages circulating in messaging apps and social media. Bilal reads the comments under the social media posts and realizes that many people have decided to (text-colour:yellow)[not eat fish for the foreseeable future].//
[[> How are they going to survive this?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a19.png">
//Bilal tries to do a reverse image search of the images that have been circulating on the dead fish in the sea from yesterday.
* To his surprise all of the images he searches comes up with results relating to a incident that happened years ago in Indonesia, following a typhon that happened near a small fishery village.
* He is unable to find any information relating to his village with these images. He realizes that the images that are being circulated have been used out of context.
* At the same time, he visits a couple of fact checking platforms to see if there are any reports about the dead fish and the sea water being contaminated.
* He finds reports warning that there has been no valid proof that this case is true and advising the general public to not share this false news which can cause conflict and harm within the community.
With this, Bilal is confident that this incident is very likely to be a case of misinformation or disinformation. //
[[> Continue->> Learning milestone 3]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/20.png">
<!--Sumudu and Andrew are back in their office, working together on the article-->
//Sumudu and Andrew finish collecting the perspectives from all the people related to this incident. Their team helps them to get the input from the fishery community members, Public Health Officials, local police and even the local business community.//
Andrew: Wow, after listening to the viewpoints from all the stakeholders we interviewed, I am really surprised that these stories and fake articles circulating have not caused a bigger conflict in the community. These news outlets that have put out these articles better release some correction notices soon!
Sumudu: Actually, this is something I was also wondering. What should be done if we have published something wrong by accident?
[[> Correct the mistake promptly and explain the error to the audience->Correct the mistake promptly and explain the error to the audience]]
[[> Ignore the mistake to protect the outlet's reputation->Ignore the mistake to protect the outlet's reputation]]<img src = "https://afishytale.com/images/chapter3/8.png">
Mr. Perera:
Despite our affiliation to a political figure, advocating for (text-colour:yellow)[//''editorial independence''//] is very important. Journalistic decisions should not be influenced by the any political, ethnic, religious, cultural, personal or any other relationship. I always try to allow my journalists the freedom to pursue stories that are in the public interest, even if they might not align with the interests of the station's owners.
As practice when reporting on issues related to the our institutions’ ownership, we have to ensure (text-colour:yellow)[//''transparency''//] by disclosing any potential conflicts of interest to the audience. This builds trust and shows a commitment to journalistic integrity.
Also, as an ethical media institution we must strive to ensure (text-colour:yellow)[''//balanced reporting//''] by covering all sides of the story I will personally review the content we develop from now on to support you avoid biased language and diverse viewpoints, especially during times of social conflict.
[[> Continue->> Learning Milestone C1]]<div style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 56.25%; height: 0; overflow: hidden; max-width: 100%; background: #000;">
title="YouTube video player"
style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;"
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"
[[> Let's begin our story!]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/17.png">
<!--Andrew and Sumudu reading the resources mentioned about media ethics on their computer screen we can see they are checking the national Media Policy, IFJ Global charter of ethics, Reuters handbook, ect.-->
Andrew: Yes. The //''National Media Policy from the Ministry of Mass Media''// stresses our duty to serve the public with truth, not to chase trends. The //''IFJ Global Charter of Ethics''// backs this up, urging us to avoid sensationalism and focus on the (text-colour:yellow)[truth].
Sumudu: But what about pressure from ownership or advertisers?
Andrew: The //''Reuters Handbook''// is clear on maintaining editorial (text-colour:yellow)[independence]. We must report facts (text-colour:yellow)[fairly] without bias, even if there’s pressure. The //''UNODC Code of Ethics''// also reminds us that journalism isn’t about entertainment—our role is to be (text-colour:yellow)[accountable] and inform, not excite the audiences.
<a href='https://www.media.gov.lk/resolution-and-regulations' target='_blank'>> Check out the Ministry of Mass Media's Code of Media Ethics</a>
[[> It would be great if someone can monitor the media ethics compliance of news outlets...]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/1.png">
Parami: Ok, so one of the major findings we have now is that we found a common trait among all the media outlets including the social media channels, fan pages, online news platforms, and traditional paltforms that have been sharing this news story with sensationalised false narratives. Can you guess what it is?
Mr Perera: Oh, very interesting! Let me think...
[[> They have a common sponsor]]
[[> They have a tainted reputation]]
[[> They are all connected to one big media network]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/14.png">
Ms. Janaki: Ah-ha! It is called (text-colour:red)[''//"Fact Checking"//''].
Fact checking is the process of verifying the accuracy of information shared in various media sources. It's a crucial skill in today's information-rich environment, where misinformation and disinformation can spread rapidly.
In addition to the key methods that we have already discussed, there are couple of other things we do in professional fact checking. For example...
* Cross-referencing, which is comparing information across multiple reputable sources to confirm its accuracy
* Tracing claims back to their original sources
* Understanding the potential biases of the source and how they might influence the information presented
* Recognizing common errors in reasoning that can lead to false conclusions
[[> Ms. Janaki, I have also heard that there are online tools we can use to do this. Is that right?-->Online Tools for fact checking]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a10.png">
* You have learned two key methods in identifying false information; the 5 Ws and H Framework and the CRAAP Test. Well done!
* Be sure to use these new learnings when you are dealing with news and information you see in your day-to-day life.
[[> Collect the "5W 1H and CRAAP Expert!" badge and continue->> Continue to Fact Checking]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/20.png">
Mr. Perera:
Despite our affiliation to a political figure, as an ethical media institution we must strive to ensure that reporting covers all sides of the story through(text-colour:yellow)[//'' balanced reporting''//]. I will personally review the content we develop from now on to support you avoid biased language and diverse viewpoints, especially during times of social conflict.
Also, as practice when reporting on issues related to the our institutions’ ownership, we have to ensure (text-colour:yellow)[//''transparency''//] by disclosing any potential conflicts of interest to the audience. This builds trust and shows a commitment to journalistic integrity.
Another very important thing is, advocating for (text-colour:yellow)[//''editorial independence''//]. Journalistic decisions should not be influenced by any political, ethnic, religious, cultural, personal or any other relationship. I always try to allow my journalists the freedom to pursue stories that are in the public interest, even if they might not align with the interests of the station's owners.
[[> Continue->> Learning Milestone C1]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/7.png">
<!--GN Officer speaks with a worried expression and Sumudu and Andrew are taking notes.-->
Gramaseva Niladhari (GN): I'm glad you're including our side of the story into your articles. Many outlets focus only on the controversy to make their narratives stand out for the viewers.
Sumudu: It is almost like these unethical media practices are the reason for most of the negative reactions we see from the people on this...
GN: Exactly! I hope media could be more responsible in handling this situation so all of this could be prevented. Their unethical and biased reporting have caused so much tenstion in our community including the protests by suffering fisherfolks. If we don't put out correct information soon, this could get even worse.
GN: The reality is we have not found any poisoned fish or contaminated water source as these news sources claim. The investigations led by the PHI office and the police has already confirmed this!
[[> Continue->Learning milestone 2A]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/a2.png">
<!--On the computer screen, there are 2 documents open. They are titled "Article 01" and "Article 02". Keep the texts and images blurry or like scribbles so we don’t have to translate it to Sinhala and Tamil.-->
(text-colour:yellow)[''Narrative 01: ''Tensions in the Fishery Community Intensifies as the Witch-hunt Continues!]
//Anonymous community sources claim that the fishery community has launched a collective mission to find and punish the perpetrators behind the seawater poisoning which has led to the dead fish in the area. While the regional PHI office has verified through their investigations that there were no traces of any harmful alien substance found in the water or the fish, the experts in the netizen community urges the people to refrain from consuming any fresh fish products and stick to imported canned goods. Furthermore, new rumors were reported connecting several key political and business figures who are connected to the case, drawing conclusions on a possible ploy to gain political advantage in the district.//
(text-colour:yellow)[''Narrative 02:'' "No Harmful Substance Found in the Seawater or Fish" - PHI Confirms!]
//Following the standard investigations, the regional PHI office confirmed yesterday that there was no harmful alien substances found in the seawater or fish in the concerned fishery area. Following the statement, the local police also reassure us that there is no need for any community tensions or mistrust as the ongoing investigations will soon reveal the truth. Furthermore, they have also identified the photos and videos that are being circulated in social media to be misleading as they are originally related to a different incident which happened in India couple of years ago. The public are warned to be mindful of the possible misinformation and disinformation related to the case and report any suspicious activities they encounter immediately to relevant authorities to help the ongoing investigations. //
Which narrative do you think Mr. Perera should select?
[[> Narrative 01]]
[[> Narrative 02]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/3.png">
//Hmmm... that doesn’t sound right in the age of media literacy.
While popular opinions can draw attention, they can skew the narrative and risk spreading misinformation!//
[[> Let's try that again ->> Listen to what Andrew has to say]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/2.png">
//The next day, Bilal goes to school. He is still bothered by what is happening.
In the classroom, many students are also talking about the same topic. Bilal keeps quiet and listens. You hear one of your friends. //
Bilal's friend: Hey, did you get this message about fish being poisoned? I forwarded this to many of my contacts and asked them to share it too. We need to make sure everyone knows it’s not well to eat fish now!”
[[> Yes, sharing this is the correct thing to do.]]
[[> No, I don’t want to tell others without really not knowing what is happening.]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/17.png">
Mr. Perera: I am glad you asked. I have been dealing with this challenge my entire professional life. And these are some of the best practices I can share that might work for you as well.
* ''Resist Censorship: ''leverage your experience and reputation, and push back against external attempts to censor your reporting. You can navigate these pressures while finding ways to inform the public about critical issues without crossing legal or political lines.
* ''Fostering an Open Newsroom:'' create an environment where journalists feel safe to express their views and pursue stories without fear of censorship or retribution. Encourage open dialogue about the challenges of self-censorship and ways to maintain journalistic integrity.
* ''Navigating Sensitive Topics:'' when covering sensitive topics that might attract censorship, employ careful wording and rely on factual evidence to present stories responsibly while ensuring the audience receives crucial information.
[[Continue->Milestone C3]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a4.png">
<!--An image of a scale that balance fairness and impartiality. Or something along those lines-->
Andrew: Exactly! As ethical journalists we have a (text-colour:yellow)[''moral obligation''] to choose between being the first to report or reporting the correct information. Even reputable sources can sometimes provide inaccurate information. Verifying ensures accuracy and truthfulness of what we put out to the public as news.
Sumudu: I understand now. As I see, this also means we have to listen to multiple sources and all the parties connected to a story to get the correct details.
Andrew: Yes. At least we have to get the viewpoints from multiple stakeholders involved in a situation. This is important for (text-colour:red)[''balancing fairness and impartiality''] in news reporting. Who do you think are the stakeholders in this case?
[[> Just the government officials and medical officers would be enough. We can believe them]]
[[> Only the fishery community. They are the most impacted by this]]
[[> Local fishery community, business community, health professionals and other relevant government officials - they are all connected in this]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/16.png">
Mr. Perera: (text-colour:yellow)[''Censorship''] involves suppressing news or information deemed objectionable by authorities or other powers like sponsors, donors, religious movements, political influencers, etc. This is usually (text-style:"italic","underline")[//done by an institution or a media outlet on behalf of the journalists//] when they are pushed by these powers.
Is that clear?
[[> Yes, so what is "self-censorship"?->> I want to know more about "self-censorship"]]
[[> Yes, now I am all clear about "censorship" and "self-censorship. But How are we going to address the challenges of censorship?->> How are we going to address the challenges of censorship?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/16.png">
<!--https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/16.png >> same image but instead of an external hand covering Fishy's mouth, Fishy covers their mouth with own hands.-->
Mr. Perera: (text-colour:yellow)[''Self-censorship''] occurs when journalists withhold information or alter their reporting due to external pressures, fear of retribution, or internal biases. This is (text-style:"italic","underline")[carried out as a decision by the journalist or the reporter], based on the level of influence they receive. This could be similar to knowing ecxact details of a crime but not revealing that information due to being threatened by the culprits.
Is that clear?
[[> Yes, so what is "censorship"?->> I want to know more about "censorship"]]
[[> Yes, now I am all clear about "self-censorship" and "self-censorship. But How are we going to address the challenges of censorship?->> How are we going to address the challenges of censorship?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a3.png">
<!--Andrew is giving Sumudu a thumbs up. Sumudu is seen to be taking notes on this insight-->
Andrew: That's right! Prioritizing facts ensures the story remains unbiased and informative, helping the public understand the issue.
And, another thing is we must uphold the principles of (text-colour:red)[truth and accuracy]. As journalists or content developers, we have a responsibility to thoroughly research, cross-reference sources, and verify information before publishing.
Sumudu: But some sources seem credible at first glance. Shouldn't we trust them?
[[> As we need to act fast, it is ok to trust sources that appear reputable without further verification]]
[[> I think we should always verify information from multiple reliable sources]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/20.png">
After this exercise, Bilal begins to understand that the information he has been recieving in social media and certain news platforms may not necessarily be completly true about what is happening.
Ms. Janaki: Sometimes, using the CRAAP Test alongside the 5 Ws and H Framework can help you analyze these incidents even better.
[[> Check out how to use the CRAAP Test ->> Can you explain the CRAAP Test?]]
[[> Now I know both of these methods! ->> Finish the 2 methods]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/16.png">
<!--Andrew is giving a thumbs up to Sumudu. Sumudu is seems to be thinking of something really hard. Indoor scene.-->
Andrew: Oh there are many local and international institutions both run by governments and independant organizations that monitor media for their ethical compliance. They can have national, regional or international focus when it comes to it.
In Sri Lanka also there are some institutions that do this. Have you heard of (text-colour:red)[''"Ethics Eye"'']? It is an initiative by Verite Research that have been doing this work for a long time. They do daily monitoring and report violations of media ethics on a periodic and case-by-case approaches.
You should check out their work sometime, you will be impressed. Also, be on the lookout for other such platforms for both local and regional news. This will help you understand the differences of ethical reporting in Sri Lanka and other countires also.
<a href='https://www.facebook.com/ethicseye' target='_blank'>> Check out Ethics Eye's work</a>
[[> Continue to Next Learning Milestone]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/3.png">
//It is true that we might get information that is mostly credible and accountable if we listen to the government officials. However, that will not provide us with a good understanding of what is happening on the ground level and how the communities most impacted by the issues react.
In order to ensure we are not stuck with the dominant narrative of a story; we also have to listen to local communities who may have more to say. //
[[> Let's try that again ->> I think we should always verify information from multiple reliable sources]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a23.png">
<!--An image showcasing a 2 new milestone badges. The badge needs to be a customized one that reflects the learning milestones; "Not Afraid to Correct!" and ''Defending Right to Privacy!''-->
''Great job!''
//You have learned some foundational values in ethical content creation and journalism!
* Maintaining integrity and accountability by addressing corrections in media reporting
* Protecting individuals’ right to privacy and dignity//
[[> Collect the "Not Afraid to Correct!" and "Defending Right to Privacy!" badges and continue->> Media Ethics]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/21.png">
<!--An image showcasing a new milestone badge. The badge needs to be a customized one that reflects the learning milestones; "Avoiding Clickbaits and Sensationalized Content!''-->
''Great job!''
//You have unlocked some important learnings!
* Sensationalized Content: the practice of presenting news or information in a way that is more appealing to the public at the expense of accuracy and balanced reporting
* Clickbaits: headlines that are designed to attract the attention of masses//As ethical and responsible media users, we should make it our mission to avoid the consumption and spread of these misleading content.
[[> Collect the "Avoiding Clickbaits and Sensationalized Content!" badge and continue->> Social media influencers vs us]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a18.png">
''Great job!''
* Well done! You have discovered what kind of things you can do in your local community in order to promote Critical Media Literacy!
* Make sure to make good use of these learnings and tools to stay informed.
* Remember, being a responsible global citizen is being critical about our global challenges and taking local action to address them. (text-colour:yellow)[//Every small action matters so always be mindful of your actions.//]
[[> Collect the "Responsible Global Citizen!" badge and continue->> Let's review everything we learned with Bilal]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/a5.png">
<!--An image showcasing a new milestone badge. The badge needs to be a customized one that reflects the learning milestone; ''Spotting the Media Bias!''-->
''Great job!''
You have learned very important facts about Media Bias!
Always ensure to uphold unbiased media practices by reporting balanced viewpoints, maintaining transparency and empowering a culture of editorial independence.
[[> Collect the "Spotting Media Bias!" badge and continue ->> Media Ownership and Landscape]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/a8.png">
<!--An image showcasing a new milestone badge. The badge needs to be a customized one that reflects the learning milestone; ''Media Landscape & Ownership Awareness!''-->
''Great Job!''
You have learned very important facts about Media Ownership and Media Landscape!
* Be mindful of who owns the media outlet that you get your information from. There might be certain media biases based on their affiliations and ownership.
* Use publicly available data sources to understand the media landscape and who may control the narratives.
[[> Collect the "Media Landscape & Ownership Awareness!" badge and continue ->> Censorship]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a17.png">
''Great job!''
* Well done! You have discovered Fact Checking and how to use freely available online tools for verifying information you encounter in your day-to-day life.
* Make sure to make good use of these learnings and tools to stay informed.
[[> Collect the "Fact Checking Champion!" badge and continue->> Well done! Collect 10 points and continue.]]<img src = 'https://afishytale.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/How2Play-image-1024x788.png'>
0. Advance through the game by selecting the options available to you. In certain instances, there will be only one option available whereas in other instances there could be multiple options you can choose from. //*Sometimes these options will link you to external sources of information that are helpful for your learning process. They will open in a different tab in your browser so you can always come back to where you left the game.//
0. If the game tells you that you have selected the wrong option, you get the chance to go back to the previous scene and try again a different option.
0. You can go back and change any decisions you made using the "arrow" key in the top left corner. This also allows moving forward on the track you have selected so far.
0. There are no save functions. Each chapter runs for around 15-20 minutes. You can try out different chapters on multiple occasions - there is no need to complete them all at once!
0. For the best game-based learning experience, we recommend using the "fullscreen" function.
0. If there are any further questions, feel free to contact us through the channels shared on the "Contact" page.
[[> Who's story would you like to learn?]]
<a href='https://afishytale.com/how-to-play/' target='_blank'>> Learn how to play</a><img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/38.png">
Ms. Janaki: Amazing! We should definitely do that. We can continue to investigate this incident with constant media monitoring using the techniques and tools we learned. This will help us to stay ahead of the rumors and educate others on the situation. Not just for our school students, this will also be valuable for our local community itself.
The principal: And also, we can organize a workshop on critical media literacy and explain the negative impact of playing into misinformation and disinformation. We can start with our school community and then involve the local community members as well. We can get other stakeholders such as local media outlets, religious leaders, business community, public health officers and community police units to help us.
Bilal: While doing that, we should also write our own article to different news and media platforms. What we discussed today has a lot of value to everyone in our community.
[[> Continue->> Learning Milestone 4]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/36.png">
Ms. Janaki: Amazing! We should definitely do that. We can organize a workshop on critical media literacy and explain the negative impact of playing into misinformation and disinformation. Not just for our school students, this will also be valuable for our local community as well. We can get other stakeholders such as local media outlets, religious leaders, business community, public health officers and community police units to help us.
The principal: And also, we can continue to investigate this incident with constant media monitoring using the techniques and tools we learned. This will help us to stay ahead of the rumors and educate others on the situation.
Bilal: While doing that, we should also write our own article to different news and media platforms. What we discussed today has a lot of value to everyone in our community.
[[> Continue->> Learning Milestone 4]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a20.png">
<!--4 news articles with the below 4 headlines stuck to a notice board in the office. Text can be just lines so we can use them in Sinhala and Tamil too-->
Andrew: Can you identify which of these contain clickbait headlines?
''(text-colour:yellow)[1. "Did you have fish in the last 2 weeks? Then your life might be in danger!"]''
''(text-colour:yellow)[2. "OUR LIVES ARE OVER! GOVERNMENT SHOULD PAY!" -- Fishermen plans for a harthal in the wake of fish poisoning!"]''
''(text-colour:yellow)[3. "Who poisoned the sea? This Exclusive recording may blow your mind!"]''
''(text-colour:yellow)[4. "PHI Office launches a series of investigations to find the truth behind dying fish."]''
[[> 1,2,3 headlines resemble clickbaits]]
[[> 4 headline resembles clickbaits]]
[[> 2,3 headlines resemble clickbaits]]
[[> 1,4 headlines resemble clickbaits]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a20.png">
0. Don't share what you don't know. Think before you react!
0. Minisformation and Disinformation can create Inforemics.
0. 5 Ws and H Framework and the CRAAP Test.
0. Digital Tools and FactChecking: Reverse Image Search & Fact Checking Sites are our friends.
0. Right to Information (RTI Act): Use it and promote it.
0. Your role as a Global Citizen: Think, Act, Share!
[[> Play Again->> Story 1: Bilal]]
[[> Play another story->> Who's story would you like to learn?]]
[[> Home->> English]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a30.png">
<!--Sumudu and Fishy having a high five. Need to incorporate the learning badges collected throughout Act 2 in this-->
0. Always follow the Media Ethics when creating content and reporting news
0. Hold media outlets accountable for the information they share
0. Be guided by the values of truthfulness, independence, fairness, and accountability
0. Be accountable for the information you share and don't think twice about correcting mistakes
0. Respect and protect the individuals' right to privacy and dignity
0. Avoid sensationalized content, clickbaits and yellow journalism
0. Prioritize the accuracy and meaningfulness over urgency and entertainment
[[> Play Again->> Story 2: Sumudu]]
[[> Play another story->> Who's story would you like to learn?]]
[[> Home->> English]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/a9.png">
<!--Mr. Perera, Parami and Fishy having a high five. Incorporate all the badges in the 3rd storyline to this image-->
0. Be mindful of yellow journalism and media biases that could occur by not showing the whole story and multiple perspectives
0. Always have a good understanding of your local media ownership and landscape to stay ahead of media biases that can arise from these influences
0. Advocate for preventing censorship and self-censorship to maintain the integrity of ethical media reporting and journalism
[[> Play Again->> Story 3: Mr. Perera]]
[[> Play another story->> Who's story would you like to learn?]]
[[> Home->> English]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a2.png">
<!--A focused image of Andrew where he is explaining something serious. Need to match the outdoors vibe from the first set of images.-->
Andrew: That is understandable. The fisherfolk's protests are escalating, with conflicting narratives everywhere. We need to cover this issue responsibly, prioritizing //''truth and fairness''//. But the public is bombarded with opinions on social media. It’s hard to filter the facts from the noise.
What should journalists prioritize when covering complex issues?
[[> It should be presenting facts with integrity and fairness]]
[[> Highlighting the most popular opinion to attract more viewers is the priority now]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/19.png">
Mr Perera: I just had a call from the Minister Silva. You know that he owns this channel right? Apparently, he wants us to report on the situation to make it look like true! Basically, he wants us to support the rumuors and baseless claims that fuel this incident.
Parami: What!? But that is crazy! Why would he want us to do that? That goes against everything we stand for as an ethical media outlet. Not to mention the scale of problems it will create among the communities when it goes out from our channel. This could even lead to communal violence...
Mr. Perera: Indeed. That is why, we need to be careful now. We have to find the correct ''//balance between media integrity and the political preasure//''. I will handle that, you don't worry. But tell me, what new information did you find about the case?
[[> Explore Parami's findings]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a22.png">
<!--A split image of their colleagues meeting and talking with PHI officers and fisherfolks to find perspectives.-->
Andrew: Well, put there, Sumudu! We need to get inputs from all of them and more if possible. However, we can also decide how we are going to listen to them. For example, right now we are heading to meet the Grama Niladhari (GN Officer) to listen to what she has to say about the situation. At the same time, our colleagues are calling and meeting up with local fishery community members, the business owners, PHI office and even religious leaders to understand what they know about this.
I am not saying we need to include everything they say into our article, but at least it’s good to ensure we (text-style:"underline")[//''listen to all of their stories and make a comprehensive summary of our findings''//] through what we present to our audiences.
[[> Continue->> Meeting the GN]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/a6.png">
<!--Mr. Perera is having a laugh while Parami is thinking very hard about the question.-->
Mr. Perera: Hahaha! You almost got it right Parami. But that's not it. Give it another try.
[[Try again->> Media Ownership and Landscape]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/7.png">
Mr. Perera:
Despite our affiliation to a political figure, as a practice when reporting on issues related to the our institutions’ ownership, we have to ensure (text-colour:yellow)[//''transparency''//] by disclosing any potential conflicts of interest to the audience. This builds trust and shows a commitment to journalistic integrity.
Also, as an ethical media institution we must strive to ensure that reporting covers all sides of the story through(text-colour:yellow)[//'' balanced reporting''//]. I will personally review the content we develop from now on to support you avoid biased language and diverse viewpoints, especially during times of social conflict.
Another very important thing is, advocating for (text-colour:yellow)[//''editorial independence''//]. Journalistic decisions should not be influenced by any political, ethnic, religious, cultural, personal or any other relationship. I always try to allow my journalists the freedom to pursue stories that are in the public interest, even if they might not align with the interests of the station's owners.
[[> Continue->> Learning Milestone C1]]<img src = "https://afishytale.com/images/chapter3/5.png">
Mr. Perera: Media bias occurs when a media outlet presents news in a way that favors a particular perspective, ideology, or interest. This can be intentional or unintentional and often affects how information is interpreted by the public.
Parami: That is exactly what is happening here, they are knowingly or unknowingly creating a big issue. Mr. Perera, what do you think as media institutions we should do in order to avoid such media biases from our end? I don't want to unknowingly be part of this nagative impact, especially now that we have been asked to also do the same...
What do you think Mr. Perera should do?
[[> Focus on Balanced Reporting]]
[[> Maintain Transparency]]
[[> Empower Editorial Independence]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/20.png">
<!--Andrew and Sumudu engaging in a discussion at the office. They are having tea while talking.-->
Sumudu: You know, (text-colour:red)[''Media Ethics''] guide our work. In fact, this is what should guide our efforts in meaningful engagement as content creators and journalists. But most of the time, we see these ethics being violated in both digital and traditional media platforms.
Sumudu: I remember you spoke about this earlier too.
Andrew: Yes, do you remember the core values I mentioned in these media ethics?
[[> Consistency, Urgency, Creativeness, Entertainment]]
[[> Truthfulness, Independence, Fairness, and Responsibility]]<img src = "https://afishytale.com/images/chapter3/1.png">
Parami: Thank you Mr. Perera! Appreciate you sharing this. I can really understand how tough it must be for you to balance the preasure from the owners, policatal influences, sponsors and others who are involved in this. I wonder how many other media institutions have to deal with this...
Mr. Perera: Oh you would be surprised! When we look at who owns a media station, we can understand what type of viewpoints and narratives we can expect. Understanding the Media Ownership provides us a good understanding of who controls a media outlet, and can influence its content and perspective.
Mr. Perera: Do you know the different ownership models we can see in our media landscape?
[[> State owned, privately owned, and independent media]]
[[> Locally owned, Internationally owned, and independent media]]
[[> State owned, privately owned, semi-government owned, independent media]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/6.png">
<!--Sumudu, Andrew and the GN officer meets at the GN officer's office.-->
Gramaseva Niladhari (GN): Hello, you two! I was waiting for you.
Sumudu: Thank you for agreeing to meeting us today! We know how busy you must be.
Andrew: Yes, we really appreciate your time. Shall we get right to the point? We have some questions we would like to ask you about the dying fish in the sea and the stories that are circulating.
GN: Yes yes, of course! Let's go into my office.
[[> Get Gramaseva Niladhari's perspective]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/11.png">
//As the lunch break begins, Bilal visits the principal's office for the meeting. He is warmly welcome by the principal and Ms. Janaki who are already there.//
The principal: Ah Bilal! You are just in time. Come in and join us.
[[> Take a seat at the table]]<!--Mr. Perera is surrounded by thoughts of different kinds of yellow journalism such as clickbait, celebrity gossip, misleading headlines, gossip sites, etc. And he looks very worried and upset.-->
<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a1.png">
Mr. Perera: Sure, this narrative will give us a lot more viewers. But this is just pure mindless (text-colour:red)[Yellow Journalism] content! I don't want to damage the reputation of our media outlet by airing such harmful narratives that will confuse the public and create unnecessary tension.
Perhaps, I should think again on this...
[[> Go back and try again->> Have a look at the 2 submissions]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/a3.png">
<!--An image showcasing a new milestone badge. The badge needs to be a customized one that reflects the learning milestone; ''Say No to Yellow Journalism!''-->
''Great job! ''
You have decided on a narrative that promotes ethical, mindful and balanced reporting of the incident. This not only allows the public audiences to understand the reality of the situation and make informed decisions better but also ''//helps to tackle harmful narratives in the media fueled by (text-colour:red)[Yellow Journalism]//''!
[[> Collect your "Say No to Yellow Journalism" badge and continue->Parami enters]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/14.png">
Ms. Janaki: Well in this case, because all the news articles and social media posts started to come out very recently following the dying fish incident, we can say they are up to date.
However, in most cases we should check the publication dates of such articles and social media posts to make sure.
[[> Go back and try again->Currency]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a2.png">
''God joob!'
* Sharing unconfirmed information in social media platforms can lead to the circulation of misinformation and disinformation. This can create a phenomenon called (text-colour:red)["an infodemic"] which makes the controlling of such wrong information quite difficult creating negative impact in the societies.
* Always make sure to check the accuracy and relevance of a message or a news before sharing, resharing and forwarding it. Also, remember that //(text-colour:red)["a friend or a friend of a friend said"]// is not a valid confirmation point.
[[> Collect the "Think First, Share Next!" badge and continue!->> The principal overhears]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/15.png">
Ms. Janaki: Ok, simply put, it’s like this. Both misinformation and disinformation refer to the spread of false information. However, they differ from the intentions they carry.
* If someone is spreading false information without realizing the information is false or by mistake, we call that "(text-colour:red)[misinformation]".
* If someone is spreading false information deliberately to mislead audiences and to create harm, we call that "(text-colour:red)[disinformation]".
This is the foundation of being media literate. Don't ever forget this ok?
[[> Yes, I will keep this in mind from now on!]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/11.png">
<!--Andrew speaking to the camera (to the player) with a serious look.-->
Andrew: That's right. Did you know? Sharing personal details of any individual without considering privacy can cause unnecessary harm to them. This violates journalistic ethics and could be illegal in certain cases. As responsible media users and content creators, we should always respect people's right to privacy. This involves not revealing their personal information such as names, ages, ethnicities, addresses, photographs, family background, social status etc. without proper consent and critical inquiry. Disregarding this may lead to legal prosecution too!
Similarly, when reporting suspects of crimes and ongoing legal proceedings, there are separate laws to ensure individuals' right to privacy and innocence until being proven guilty. As journalists' and content creators we should always be mindful of these. As much as we are obliged to share clear, accurate and comprehensive information, we also must uphold and protect the rights of an individual’s privacy and personal data.
[[> Wow, I had no idea that there are certain laws in place for this already. I should read up on them. I feel for every citizen, it's important to know them...->> Learning Milestone 2B]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/3.png">
//It's true that the most impacted community in this situation could be seen as the fishery community. But if we only take their input, we won't be able to understand what is happening. We need to hear from more stakeholders to report meaningfully and avoid sensationalism. //
[[> Let's try that again ->> I think we should always verify information from multiple reliable sources]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/6.png">
Ms. Janaki: That's a great idea Bilal. We can definitely do that. I will help you; I had a copy of an application form with me. We can fill it and send it to their office.
The principal: See Ms. Janaki, Bilal truly shows the characteristics of (text-colour:red)[//''responsible global citizenship''//]. He is willing to take action in his local space to make a bigger positive impact in larger setting.
So, tell me Bilal, what else do you think we can do to promote awareness on good media practice and literacy in our community and act responsibly in this situation?
[[> Let's do a awareness building workshop]]
[[> We can write a newspaper article on what we discussed]]
[[> Let's continue to investigate this situation]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/22.png">
After this exercise, Bilal begins to understand that the information he has been recieving in social media and certain news platforms may not necessarily be completly true about what is happening.
Ms. Janaki: Sometimes, using the CRAAP Test alongside the 5 Ws and H Framework can help you analyze these incidents even better. Want to try?
[[> What is 5 Ws and H Framework?]]
[[> Now I know both of these methods! ->> Finish the 2 methods]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/14.png">
Ms. Janaki: Are you sure about that. Think harder. All of these news sources wanted people to stop eating fish. And they also had clear intentions to persuade the general public into an unnecessary state of fear and confusion.
[[> Go back and try again->> Accuracy2]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a6.png">
Does the message and social media post about the incident address the issue relevantly and effectively?
[[> Yes->> Auth1]]
[[> No->> Auth2]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/16.png">
<!--Sumudu and Andrew are back in their office, working together on the article.-->
Sumudu: I understand now. It is going to be difficult to maintain these values with so many different challenges in the media space. But we must never fall victim to fake news, sensationalized content and yellow journalism.
Sumudu: Our role as journalists is to //''inform, foster dialogue, and support our societies to make informed decisions with correct information''//. By adhering to ethics, avoiding sensationalism, and maintaining transparency, we empower the community with truth!
[[> Let's review what we learned with Sumudu]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a21.png">
<!--A photo of the beach where the dead fish being inspected by PHI officials. The image also shows the faces of the local community members who are curiously observing including children. This creates a matter of lacking privacy-->
//Sumudu moves on to selecting the photos for the article. They have gotten many photographs from the scenes where PHI officials are investigating the sea waters and dead fish while the local community members are curiously observing.//
Andrew: Ah, Sumudu. Let's cover the faces of these people in these photos. Also, let's take the names out of these testimonials we have collected from the fishery community members. When reporting on sensitive topics, we must respect the privacy and dignity of individuals involved, especially in personal matters like family or health.
Sumudu: But people are curious. Shouldn't we share all the details we uncover?
[[> That's right. Share all details to provide complete transparency]]
[[> Not really. We must handle it with care, prioritizing privacy and dignity]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/13.png">
The principal: Wow... this is exactly what I was worried about. We don't even know the reason for the dying fish yet. But people are spreading baseless rumors. If this keeps on going, the fishery communities will suffer greatly.
Ms. Janaki: Exactly, principal sir. Situations like this will only complicate themselves if people don't act responsibly. Sharing unverified information and speculations based on rumors will only have a bad impact on our communities. This can create even a greater threat nationally, imposing challenges to peaceful co-existence between communities.
[[> But how do we address this situation?]]<img src = "https://afishytale.com/images/chapter3/18.png">
Parami: We are not sure about that, but we are confident through our investigation that they have paid for these channels to put out ads in the past to promote their brand. And it's too much of a coincidence to see that all the channels who were promoting these ads are now contributing to the spread of misinformation on this.
Mr. Perera: That is true. This to me looks like a big "(text-colour:red)[//''Media Bias''//]" from their side. Parami, you know about this right?
[[> Yes, I am quite familiar with Media Bias->> Media Bias, what is that?]]
[[> Media Bias, what is that?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a25.png">
<!--General public using various mediums like phone and newspapers. Some are watching entertaining content while others are looking for news.-->
Andrew: Remember, unlike entertainers and social media influencers, our role is to present (text-colour:red)[fact-based news] without personal opinions. Even in collaborations, we must keep our reporting unbiased. It’s crucial, especially when we see (text-colour:red)[''yellow journalism''] becoming more prevalent—it feeds on sensationalism rather than truth.
[[> Wait, what did you mean by yellow journalism?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/a7.png">
Mr. Perera: Great job Parami! You got it right.
State owned; which is owned by the government. Privately owned; which is owned by private individuals or registered organizations. And independent; which is owned by individuals and groups of individuals that have no affiliation with any other party.
Depending on who owns a media outlet, the narrative that outlet promotes can vary. Even state-owned media may not be the most trustworthy source sometimes if the information in question directly affects them. We should always try to identify independent media outlets that have a good track record of upholding unbiased media reporting.
[[> Where can I find information about who owns a media station or an outlet?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/a6.png">
<!--Mr. Perera is having a laugh while Parami is thinking very hard about the question.-->
Mr. Perera: Hahaha! You almost got it right Parami. But that's not it. Give it another try.
[[Try again->> Media Ownership and Landscape]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a1.png">
//Bilal was walking home after school as usual. To his confusion he finds the fish market area to be almost empty. This looks very suspicious to him as usually this area is full of life. Every day when he passes this area to get home, he sees fishermen and women selling their goods, wholesome market reps going around haggling with the fisherfolks, and many other different activities taking place.
But today, this looks like a ghost town...//
Bilal: What happened...?
//He thinks to himself.//
[[> Continue walking home]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a1.png">
<!--Image: Sumudu and Andrew walking together along the road by the beach where it is almost empty except for a couple of fishermen idly walking around.-->
//The next morning, Sumudu and Andrew were hoping to get more information about this matter. They both work for the same local newspaper. While Sumudu is an intern there, Andrew is a senior correspondent who handles most of the local current events.//
//They walk passing the beach area where it was claimed the incident took place. At the moment, there was no one there except for a couple of fishermen, giving the whole area an abandoned look. This used to be a very lively place before the dying fish story appeared.//
[[> Talk to Andrew]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/a1.png">
<!--Mr. Perera is working on his dest with a serious expression. He has multiple piles of papers and a computer on the table that he is working on.-->
//Mr. Perera, has a serious look on his face. He was looking at 2 news story submissions he received this morning for his reveiw on the dying fish epidemic.
Out of the 2 submissions, he has to select one to be aired through tonight's main news broadcast.//
[[> Have a look at the 2 submissions]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/5.png">
Ms. Janaki: Bilal, I was really happy to hear that you have taken an interest in this case. We have an important role as responsible media consumers to be mindful when we deal with the information we see in social media and news platforms.
The principal: Yes, I myself found it very confusing and troubling. There is not much information we can take seriously at this point. But the rumors and baseless news content like this can create a big problem. Where did you first hear about this, Bilal?
[[> Share the information you have]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/1.png">
Sumudu: But this doesn't make sense... these articles are not giving any answers. It only creates more problems. People will start to feel even more scared and anxious after reading them. It could also lead to some serious conflicts and community violence!
Andrew: I am happy to see you are so interested in this case. I also read the article you are reading and that looks like a classic case of (text-colour:red)[''Fake News''] to me. //''(text-style:"underline")[But we cannot be sure without doing a proper analysis]''//. You would be surprised Sumudu, but fake news is such a common thing in this industry.
[[> I guess I never realized how much of a problem this is until now->> Listen to what Andrew has to say]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/35.png">
//Sharing personal details without considering privacy can cause unnecessary harm to individuals being exposed and violate journalistic ethics!
There are also laws and regulations to dictate what information can be shared about an individual in the media. And if they are violated, legal action can be taken against the media institutions.
[[> Let's try that again ->> Select the photos for the article]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/3.png">
//"I am impressed! You did the right thing". To his surprise, Bilal sees the school principal, Mr. Kamalan. //
The principal: I was passing by when I heard you kids talking about what is happening in our community.We don't have enough information to decide whether what everyone is saying true or not. I also noticed that there was an article on this in today's newspaper.
//He shows Bilal the news article. It reads, "The Great Fish Scare! Is this the next Pandemic?". Bilal feels a chill running down his spine. //
[[> But principal sir, how do we know what exactly is happneing?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/4.png">
Parami: Wow, they really make a lot of sense actually. I had no idea that external influences coming from media ownership, political pressure and other stakeholder opinions play a huge role in ethical media and reporting. Honestly, I wish more people knew about this.
[[> We have a responsibility as ethical media institutions!!]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/4.png">
Parami: Not really what I was going to tell you. But I could see that with some of the media outlets. For example, most of the newspapers and TV channels that reported on this, had associated social media channels who also reported on this case in a similar narrative. And even the social media-based news outlets maintain their own YouTube channels that did extensive video content on this using the same unethical narratives.
Mr. Perera: I see. Well, this shows how media platforms perpetuate their preferred narrative using multiple platforms for their gain. Not surprising in this age and time with technological advancements.
But anyway, I give up. Tell me what you found out, Parami.
[[> Stop guessing and get the answer from Parami->> They have a common sponsor]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/1.png">
//Parami's face lights up and she visibly gets excited.//
Parami: Yes! All of these platforms have been either sponsorerd or collaborated with one consumer brand in the last 3-4 months. This brand is a local company that imports sea food. And recently, they have taken a huge contract from a foreign supplier to import processed fish.
Clearly, this is not very good of a market strategy given that our country is surrounded by sea and we have a steady supply of fresh fish year around. That being the case, they have been looking for a a good entry point to enter the local market.
[[> So this company is behind all this?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/4.png">
Parami: I could also notice that. Many of them have a tainted reputation and have done similar unethical reporting in the past. But the funny thing is some of these outlets actually had a good reputation as a trusted source of information before this incident.
Mr. Perera: I see. Well, this shows the fact that any news outlet can change their intentions or can make mistakes. This is a good lesson for media consumers to always use their critical thinking rather than just trusting based on existing reputation alone.
But anyway, I give up. Tell me what you found out, Parami.
[[> Stop guessing and get the answer from Parami->> They have a common sponsor]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/14.png">
Ms. Janaki: Are you sure about that? The information shared through these messages and articles are more focused on preasuring the public to panic and instigate fear and confusion. This could also be an unethical media trick gain more views and attention. Think harder and try again.
[[> Go back and try again->Why]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a16.png">
How did you get this information and how was it shared with the general public? Was it through a credible and acceptable media platform or unknow sources?
[[> It was done mainly through the use of unknown sources that could not be traced down to its originating point]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/16.png">
<!--Andrew is giving a thumbs up to Sumudu. Sumudu is seems to be thinking of something really hard. Indoor scene.-->
Andrew: Exactly! The core values of journalism—(text-colour:yellow)[//truth, independence, fairness, and accountability//]—are what guide us. We must commit to these values in every report we publish.
[[> Even if it means going against popular narratives?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a24.png">
<!--Sumudu using his laptop and notes to identify sensationalized news content. -->
Sumudu reads some of the articles that have been flagged as fake news by Andrew.
* He recognizes that most of these articles share things in common such as: ''//misleading and fearmongering headlines, images that have been edited to showcase dead fish and crying people//'', ''//focusing more on the rumors and speculations//'' rather than providing correct information, trying to //''put the blame on someone or some political party, etc. ''//
* He also realized that the images they have used are either //''AI generated or taken from internet sources''//.
* It was clear that these articles were clearly trying to //''gain public attention and popularity in the expense of providing accurate, unbiased and meaningful information''//.
[[> What is a Clickbait?]]
[[> Continue->> Learning Milestone 2D]]<img src = "https://afishytale.com/images/20.png">
//After learning about the 5 Ws and H Framework, Bilal tries to apply it to the poisoned fish related stories he has seen so far.
* He realized that most of the content he saw being shared were originally posed by individuals and accounts that he did not know and had real credentials. And some of them were screenshots of WhatsApp messages that has been shared in groups with no details about the sender, the date/ time posted or their affiliations.
* And many of these stories had conflicting narratives with many inconsistencies as to what the reason behind this situation. Some claimed international consipracies while the others claimed it is an act of God. But all of them had one thing in common and that is the lack of evidence for their claims and asking audience to share the message.
* He also realized that some of these posts had actually shared this news much earlier, even before the day of the incident was first witnessed! How can that they knew about this situation even before it took place?
Using the 5 Ws and H Framework alongside the CRAAP Test can sometimes help you analyse these incidents even better. //<img src = "https://afishytale.com/images/22.png">
//After learning about the CRAAP Test, Bilal tries to apply it to the poisoned fish related stories he has seen so far.
* He notices that on social media platforms most of the updates to the stories being shared have been populated within a specific timeframe as if they were planned together to be published at the same time. Also, most of the content he saw being shared were originally posed by individuals and accounts that he did not know and had real credentials.
* At the same time, the news stories in both social media and newspapers were both lacking any reasonable evidence for their claims. This was concerning as they all had various theories and inconsistencies which made it difficult to understand the real situation correctly.
* Also, the intentions behind these news stiries being circulated was mostly to persuade people from consuming fish and at the same time to accuse different parties for what is happening. This was indeed a red flag in Bilal's mind.
Using the CRAAP Test alongside the 5 Ws and H Framework can sometimes help you analyse these incidents even better. //<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/26.png">
<!--Some visual examples of gossip websites-->
Andrew: Yellow journalism refers to a sensationalistic, exaggerated, and sometimes unethical style of news reporting. They are notable for the use of sensational headlines in large print, lavish use of pictures, often manipulated and faked interviews and misleading headlines. This is what we see in most(text-colour:red)[ //''"Gossip Websites"''//] that are running on social media platforms and video sharing platforms.
''//Yellow journalism prioritizes selling news and collecting viewership over reporting accurate news//'', often at the expense of journalistic integrity.
[[> Continue->> Role of journalists]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/37.png">
Ms. Janaki: Amazing! We should definitely do that. We should also write our own article to different news and media platforms. What we discussed today has a lot of value to everyone in our community. Not just for our school students, this will also be valuable for our local community as well.
The principal: And also, we can organize a workshop on critical media literacy and explain the negative impact of playing into misinformation and disinformation. We can start with our school community and then involve the local community members as well. We can get other stakeholders such as local media outlets, religious leaders, business community, public health officers and community police units to help us.
Bilal: While doing that, we can continue to investigate this incident with constant media monitoring using the techniques and tools we learned. This will help us to stay ahead of the rumors and educate others on the situation.
[[> Continue->> Learning Milestone 4]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/a7.png">
<!--Mr. Perera and Fishy doing a high five inside a news room-->
Mr. Perera: Exactly! People should know that when they get the news from an outlet, it might not always be the full story - or even may not be the most accurate one.
//''(text-colour:yellow)[Yellow Journalism and media biases caused by non-transparent media ownership and media censorship] ''//have always been influencing our journalistic rigor. But nowadays, with more complex challenges and technologies out there, it is very easy to get lost under all these. So, it is also the responsibility of every citizen to hold media institutions accountable!
[[> Let's review what you learned!]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/30.png">
Bilal: Still, I hope there was some legal mechanism that enables us to find correct information more easily.... If we can directly request information from companies and organizations that are responsible or in charge of certain matters, it would have been so much easier.
The principal: Actually Bilal, there is a law like that. The government has established a legal provision that allows any individual or organization to request information that are related to matters that impact them. This is called the (text-colour:red)[''"Right to Information Act"'']. In short we call this the// RTI Act.//
Ms. Janaki: Yes, this act was established in 2016 and since then, it has been attending to information requests that come from all around the country. They also have an independent commission called the ''"Right to Information Commission"'' that overseas these requests. This is a very powerful resource that journalists, content creators and any responsible citizen can use for our society's benefit.
[[> But how does the RTI Act work?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/19.png">
Ms. Janaki: The 5 Ws and H Framework is one of the most well-known and globally used methods to identify potential false news content.
Basically, the five Ws and the letter H stands for a total of 6 questions you need to ask yourself before trusting or reacting to any form of information you see on a media platform. This will allow you to reflect and have a better idea of whether this information is likely false.
The 6 questions goes like this:
0. (text-colour:yellow)[W]ho is the source of the information?
0. (text-colour:yellow)[W]hat is the claim being made?
0. (text-colour:yellow)[W]hen was this information published?
0. (text-colour:yellow)[W]here did the information originate?
0. (text-colour:yellow)[W]hy might this information have been created? and,
0. (text-colour:yellow)[H]ow was the information obtained or shared?
In this case, we can use this method of questioning to evaluate the poisoned fish story in this newspaper and social media and see if there are any inconsistencies, and biases.
[[> Apply the 5 Ws and H Framework to the dying fish related news->> Begin exercise 2]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/25.png">
<!--Some visuals explaining what sensationalising in media is.-->
Andrew: Sensationalism in media refers to the practice of presenting news or information in a way that is intended to provoke public interest, excitement, or outrage, often at the expense of accuracy and balanced reporting.
You can recognize sensational content by looking for //(text-colour:yellow)[exaggeration, emotionally driven tone, fearmongering, oversimplification, focusing on conflicting or controversial topics ]//and similar traits. They also often use //(text-colour:yellow)[clickbaits and provocative or misleading headlines]// to attract attention and //(text-colour:yellow)[images or graphics that are not relevant]// just to get attention.
Sumudu: I see... this can cause many issues within our societies.
Andrew: Yes. Sensationalism of news can distort public perception of events and issues. They divert attention from important but less dramatic news stories and erode trust in journalism and media institutions.
[[> Try using these new learnings to recognize sensationalized content]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/22.png">
<!--A visiual representation of clickbaits in media-->
Andrew: Clickbaiting refers to content, especially headlines, that is designed to attract the attention of the masses. Clickbaits are mostly seen in digital media as headlines that encourage visitors to click on a link to a particular web page.
The primary goal of clickbait is to generate web traffic and increase page views, which can lead to higher advertising revenue or other forms of monetization.
Clickbaits can be identified by their use of //(text-colour:yellow)[sensational language, emotional triggers, provocative or shocking claims and controversial phrasing]//.
Many argue that clickbaits degrade the quality of journalism and can lead to a focus on sensationalism over substantive reporting. There's ongoing debate about the ethics of using clickbait techniques, particularly in journalism and news reporting.
[[> Let's look at some sample clickbait titles]]<img src = "https://afishytale.com/images/chapter3/11.png">
Mr. Perera: Usually, this should be publicly available information. You can do a web search to find most of these details. But it's also quite difficult to find sometimes. You should also check out the Ministry of Mass Media's website from time to time as they publish a lift of registered media outlets every year.
Parami: Amazing, this indeed is super helpful!
<a href='https://media.gov.lk/' target='_blank'>> Check out Sri Lanka's Ministry of Mass Media website</a>
[[> Continue->> Learning Milestone C2]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a11.png">
Who is the author/ creator of this news/ content - especially the information circulated in social media and chat apps?
[[> The author/ creator of the content can be easily identified->WhoY]]
[[> The author/ creator of the content is not easy to identify->What]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/1.1.png">
* (text-colour:orange)[''Bilal:'']
//An 18-year-old from a fishing community is pursuing his A/L (Advanced Level) studies at a local college. He has a strong sense of responsibility towards his community and is aware of the social issues that affect it. He values truth and seeks to understand the world logically and ethically.//
* (text-colour:orange)[''Sumudu:'']
//A passionate citizen journalist working for a social media-based news platform in their coastal community. New to the job but eager to uncover the truth, Sumudu is deeply committed to ethical journalism. They believe in presenting stories
that matter, grounded in facts and aims to bring out the diverse voices within their community.//
* (text-colour:orange)[''Mr. Perera:'']
//A seasoned media veteran and the news director of a prominent national TV station, known for its wide reach nationwide. With over 30 years of experience in journalism, he has witnessed the evolving media landscape firsthand. While a political leader owns the TV station, Mr. Perera remains a staunch advocate for ethical journalism and truth.
//''Who's story would you like to play?''//
[[> Story 1: Bilal]]
[[> Story 2: Sumudu]]
//> Story 3: Mr. Perera// | ''Locked''
<!--[[> Story 3: Mr. Perera]]--><img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a3.png">
Bilal: I have heard about this from a video I saw on social media. If I remember correctly, both misinformation and disinformation are quite similar. But they have different intentions.
Ms. Janaki: Amazing Bilal! That is absolutely correct. Let me also explain a bit more.
[[> Listen to the explanation.->> No, what is that?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/4.png">
The principal: Great! Then I will see you at lunch, Bilal.
//After agreeing on this Bilal goes back to his class. He continues to reflect on the whole situation and hopes to find some answers soon. //
[[> Wait until the lunch break and go to the principal's office->> Meeting the principal]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a21.png">
''Great job!''
You have unlocked some foundational lessons in media literacy.
* Misinformation: false information generated by mistake, without any intention to cause harm or trick the audiences
* Disinformation: false information generated intentionally to cause harm or trick the audiences
[[> Collect the "Disinformation & Misinformation Basics!" badge and continue->How do we identify misinformation and disinformation?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/7.png">
Wait! Are you sure about that?
Sharing this with a wider audience through social media or other means may make your friend happy. And that might bring you some instant fame or audience reaction too. But is this the//'' "right thing" ''//to do given that you also don't know much about this situation?
Perhaps, it is best to wait and find more information before reacting to it immediately. Let's wait until we learn more.
[[> Let's try this again!->> How are they going to survive this?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/14.png">
Ms. Janaki: Are you sure about that. Think harder. Random social media posts, shared chat messages, and newspaper articles without a known entity or an author to take the responsibility of shared information cannot be considered as credible sources.
[[> Go back and try again->> Auth2]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a8.png">
Is the message and social media post about the incident are accurate and supported by evidence?
[[> Yes->> Accuracy1]]
[[> No->> Accuracy2]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/16.png">
<!--Andrew speaking to Sumudu in a close-up. Office background-->
Andrew: Correct! Prompt corrections demonstrate accountability and commitment to truth, which builds trust with the audience. As journalists or content creators, it is one of our key responsibilities to own our mistakes and correct them. It is not something to be ashamed of. Instead, addressing such mistakes and taking responsibility shows our commitment to accountability and transparency.
Sumudu: I see! This actually makes me feel at ease Andrew. Because in a way, this takes away the burden and the misconception that as journalists, we cannot go back on our word. Most journalists feel uneasy to address their mistakes and be transparent about them. I don't think I will feel this way now.
[[> Select the photos for the article]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a5.png">
Do you think the message and social media post about the incident which are currently circulating are up to date?
[[> Yes->> RelYes]]
[[> No]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/14.png">
The principal: But Ms. Janaki, there is another thing. How do we identify misinformation and disinformation? Most of the time, they go unnoticed with all the other information we get. It is impossible to say if something is false or not.
Ms. Janaki: That is very true. I have seen many times; most content in these categories are difficult to notice. Especially, disinformation developed to intentionally mislead people can be very tricky. I myself, use two key methods to identify potential false information as a regular practice. Have you heard about the (text-colour:red)[//"5 Ws and H Framework"//] or the (text-colour:red)[//"CRAAP Test"//]?
//What method would you like to know about?//
[[> What is 5 Ws and H Framework?]]
[[> Can you explain the CRAAP Test?]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/35.png">
//Are you really sure? The reputation of a newspaper often gets damaged when people notice they are publishing wrong information and do not address those mistakes as a way of improving themselves.
Ignoring errors damages credibility. Transparency in correcting mistakes shows integrity and professionalism.//
[[> Let's try that again ->> Corrections]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter2/a18.png">
<!--An image showcasing a 2 new milestone badges. The badge needs to be a customized one that reflects the learning milestones; "Prioritizing Truth & Accuracy" and ''Balance in Fairness & Impartiality!''-->
''Great job!''
You have learned some foundational values in ethical content creation and journalism!
* Prioritizing //Truth and Accuracy// over urgency of news reporting and sharing.
* Balancing //Fairness and Impartiality// by listening to multiple sources and non-dominant stories.
[[> Collect the "Prioritizing Truth & Accuracy" and "Balance in Fairness & Impartiality!" badges and continue->> Corrections]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/9.png">
<!--An image showcasing a new milestone badge. The badge needs to be a customized one that reflects the learning milestone; ''Preventing Censorship & Self-censorship for Transparent Media!''-->
''Great Job!''
You have learned very important facts about Censorship & Self-censorship for Transparent Media!
* Censorship and Self-censorship can lead to reductions of transparency in news reporting as the audiences are refrained from knowing the complete details relating specific incidents.
* Identify what can cause censorship and self-censorship within media landscapes and stand against such influences.
[[> Collect the "Preventing Censorship & Self-censorship for Transparent Media!" badge and continue->> These are really helpful. I think I can use them in my everyday work now]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/26.png">
Ms. Janaki: Absolutely! There are some very advanced tools we can use online to do some of these verifications and fact checking tasks for free.
For example, imagine the images being circulated about these dead fish in the sea. I realized they are not even relevant to this case. These are photographs from different countries taken years ago. I managed to verify this by using this technique called, (text-colour:red)[//''"Reverse Image Searching".''//]
Image reverse search is a technique that allows you to use an image as a search query to find similar images and information online. You simply have to go to a website which offers this service and upload the image you want to check. Then it will let you know where this image has been used before or if this is an original image related to the case you are fact checking.
Platforms such as, //(text-colour:yellow)[Google Images, TinEye, and Yandex Images]// offer this service for free.
<a href='https://images.google.com/' target='_blank'>> Check out Google Images Reverse Image Search</a>
<a href='https://tineye.com/' target='_blank'>> Check out TinEye Reverse Image Search</a>
<a href='https://yandex.com/images/' target='_blank'>> Check out Yandex Images Reverse Image Search</a>
[[> Continue to more fact checking tools]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter3/a4.png">
<!--Parami enters Mr. Perera's room while he is working.-->
//While Mr. Perera is reviewing these submissions, Parami, a Junior Investigative Reporter of the team, entered the room. //
Parami: Mr. Perera, I have good news! Our investigation team managed to find some good leads about this poisoned fish case. With this, we have enough evidence to say that this is another incident of disinformation.
Mr. Perera: Oh, Parami. Well done! But I think we will have to wait on that. Sit down, I will tell you why.
[[> Listen to what Mr. Perera has to say]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a12.png">
What seems to be the major claim being made in the articles and social media posts and chat messages we have seen so far?
[[> Advices people not to panic as the situation is still unclear->WhatY]]
[[> Advices people not to eat fish as the sea water is poisoned->When]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/14.png">
Ms. Janaki: Are you sure about that? Although this is the ideal message they should be promoted, unfortunately the information we have seen so far is mostly going against this thinking. Think harder and try again.
[[> Go back and try again->What]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a13.png">
When has this information been published and released to the public? Could this be an older piece of information being re-emerged by mistake?
[[> We cannot be sure about the times of publication as most of them are shared through chat messages and platforms->WhenY]]
[[> We can check the publication date in the newspapers and social media posts to get an idea about that->WhenY]]
[[> Since all this information started to flood in as the situation of dying fish started to happen yesterday, we can be sure this is timely information->WhenY]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/14.png">
Ms. Janaki: Ahh... in this case, all of those options are correct. However, it is very important to verify when the news/ information was published to have a good understanding of its validity and accuracy.
[[> Continue->Where]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a14.png">
Where did this information originate? Do you know where it was first authored/ created and published?
[[> No, it is difficult to get an idea about the social media posts and chat messages->Why]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/14.png">
Ms. Janaki: Are you sure about that? Think harder and try again. In most of the social media posts and chat messages we get, we cannot identify the correct author for sure. Especially when you get messages in a group and messages that have been forwarded multiple times, have no way of knowing who their original creator or author is.
[[> Go back and try again->> Who]]<img src = "https://a-fishy-tale.web.app/images/chapter1/a15.png">
Why do you think this information was created?
[[> To educate and make awareness]]
[[> To persuade and mislead]]